Friday, March 15, 2013

xi sirji

This kaipulla got me very interested about history and stuff; and as I was poring through his blog I started wondering - what if, what if the Chinese had landed in Rome, or, what if, the Romans had landed in china.
what if....
Hi I’m king Romus. Wassup??
Hi I’m Xi. he is my minister Hi & she is my mistress He.
hi Hi,hi He... *sniggers* it's a pleasure to meet you.
what was that??
we were getting the pronunciation right...
It's He & Hi..
Ok *starts* Hi, He *unable to control* hihihehehahhahahuhuhu
Good you seem to know a lot of people in my family.. I'm impressed.
*wipes tear surreptitiously* Oh yes we take great pride in our databases Mr..uh....
Ah yes, wait Xi? But you are just i
No I’m Xi , Xi Xiabo.
What?? No! you might be i Jiabo , but xi? No.. see… how many people are standing in front of you on our side?? i,ii,iii,iv,v... ok?? Similarly, you are i, he is ii and so on.. get it? Just count, it's easy.
No I’m Xi,
Ok where are the other x??
What x?? look.. I’ll explain clearly.. I’m Xi, standing over the hills yonder is my son, Xi the second, and beside him, my grandson, Xi the third....
You mean you people are named xi,xii & xiii??
No Xi(I),Xi(II),Xi(III)..


PS: Do visit kaipullai's blog... contains absorbing analysis of various events.